Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mary Ann* is... a blogger?

This is a picture of me doing 2 of my favorite things: reading a chick lit novel and thinking about an unfinished knitting project (next to me in the papasan). I've never been too interested/passionate about much of anything, so when I took up knitting last Christmas (thanks to a wonderful gift from Deane!) I was excited to be excited about a new hobby! I have knit innumerable scarves, the occasional bag, and a lot of now-bleached-white dishcloths. I use the internet all the time to look for new fun projects and tips and tricks for my knitting.

After spending a weekend perusing knitting blogs (looking for answers/patterns as to what to do with 2 different colored hanks of malabrigo), I thought a few things:

1. It would be a *lot* easier if I just had a place to post my question, and people could answer *me*.

2. If there are people out there that want to read this babble (I mean, I'M reading it...) certainly readers must want to see what I have to say (type)?

3. I might have a mediocre sense of humor, but I have an almost impeccable sense of spelling and punctuation, and I want to take a giant red pen to the majority of pages on the internet.

So alas, my blog is born! I might not be that funny, there might only be 2 people that *ever* read it (thanks Em and Linds...!), but if nothing else, it will motivate me to actually finish projects, and to hone my weaker-by-the-day writing skills (this post is proof of my deteriorating literary prowess). Maybe, just maybe, I'll even learn a bit of HTML.

Add this page to your favorites, as it promises to be a good one that rambles on about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with knitting... but it might also give you a good tip or two, or motivate you to knit yourself!


Lindsey said...

I am so excited about your blog. I have 1/3 of a scarf that has been sitting in my knitting basket untouched since December. Help motivate me. And as a southern girl, what motivates you to knit during warm weather? Maybe I need some spring/summer type projects to get me motivated.

Mary Ann* said...

I am all about the knit accessories -- bags, cell phone holders, etc. And of course I knit for visits to my favorite friends in chilly climates! :) I think you should start with a water bottle (G2?) huggie pattern I have. I also have one for a yoga mat bag which is really stretchy and fun. But you have to finish that scarf first, miss!

Emily Malone said...

i LOVE your blog, and i love your amazing knitting abilities. i will be checking back to see my xmas present in the works:)