I was supposed to recap my glorious week off on Sunday, but nighttime lightning storms (a part of Florida summers I do not love, but I do live with) have hindered computer time. Here's a look back at what I planned to do last week vs. what I accomplished.
1. Finish and block Colts intarsia square (this is v. close to being done, but I am terrified I made the floats too tight and the pattern will be puckered. Fear of failure has prohibited me from finishing this project so far).
Not done. I did some work on this piece, but I have to face the fact: it is not going to make it. I did learn a thing or two about stranded knitting in the process, but this finished square will serve as nothing more than a misshapen washcloth, at best.

2. Go to the beach at least 4 separate days (darken skin by minimum of 3 shades).
Rainstorms kept my beach visits to 3, but tan is notably improved. Took advantage of one beach trip for doggie exercise time. Lilly worked on socialization and Roach rode some waves. Both v. well-behaved and not disgustingly dirty (surprising). Also finished new Marian Keyes and Jane Green. Loved them BOTH!
3. Think about current job zero times.
4. Search for better job with nice, normal, non-bipolar boss who understands how lovely I am (or at least update my monster.com resume).
Check, check! This was *so* easy. Resume editing and updating found to be very therapeutic.
5. Blog bi-daily.
I did a pretty good job with this, you *must* admit. Highlight of the week was receiving a blog comment from Brian of Football Fanatics!! Love new readers, love new comments even more.
6. Knit a minimum of 16 rows (arbitrarily decided, 10 too few, 20 too many, has to be an even number) per day on Anakin's blankie.
I ROCKED this. Good thing, too, 'cause he's due tomorrow! I am about 2/3 of the way done:

7. Deep clean house and truck.
House is clean, truck covered in sand. It did rain a lot, so the outside is clean. Also did house organization (see previous post). Proud of self.
8. Clear DVR to at least 50% capacity (currently is 72% full).
Easiest. task. ever. Was aided by aforementioned rain. Worked way through 4 movies, JTimber's FutureSex Love Show, 33 backlogged eps of Knitty Gritty, a lot of BB10, OC, and OTH. DVR is now 72% AVAILABLE!
9. Research travel options for DLO September reunion.
Flight schedules v. promising. Thanks to Linds for the itinerary... (modified only slightly from her original draft)
Friday, Sept 12: Lunch at O'Bryon's -- Shark Tanks and tuna salad pitas. Concert tank/tee making time. Toby Keith concert at Riverbend (Toby on stage, us on the lawn draped in American flags)
Saturday, Sept 13: 12 mile run. (?!) Kenny and Keith Concert (and Rimes, Linds refused to admit) at Lucas Oil. 1 hour photo session for MA* in front of Lucas Oil. Shopping trip to Colts Pro Shop. Shenanigans in Broad Ripple, overnight in Indy.
Sunday, Sept 14: Colts @MIN at 1p (viewing party @the Oak, complete with Em and MA* knitting projects, $1 drafts and all the peanuts you-can-eat)
Side note, 44 days til DLO reunion.
The majority of the week was spent sleeping (minimum 12 hours per day) and spending some quality time with Deane and the dogs. I never wanted to go back to work, but yesterday I did find myself re-energized and ready to roll. I was relieved to see the store had survived a week with no (major) upheavals. I made some great knitting progress and am in a much better state of mind in general. Here's hoping I can keep my knitting momentum as I return to work...!