I was just hit with my first ever blog request. Thanks, Libby, for suggesting -- nay, demanding! -- that I blog about this week's "Biggest Loser". Sadly, that particular blog entry will have to wait, as the show is trapped in my DVR and probably will not be viewed until tomorrow night, at the earliest (no spoilers, please).
I would like to take this opportunity to open the floor for requests from all blog readers. If ever you find yourself craving my commentary on a particular topic, news story, television program, movie, album, etc., please do not hesitate to request a blog based on that subject matter. Just leave a comment anytime!
Speaking of DVRs, has anyone been hit with the fastforward spoiler? Let me explain, using last week's "Loser" as an example. When I fastforwarded the commercials during the weigh-in portion of the show, I already knew one of two things: either no one was going to be eliminated, or the results were going to be continued into the next week. How did I know this? I was already at 1 hour, 54 minutes of programming! Of course, bef0re I realized it, I was terrified that I had once again fallen victim to the horrendous DVR cutoff. I am speaking of those terrible times when a show runs past its allotted 30 or 60 minutes, and you miss the end (most recently, I missed a pivotal point of "er", and although I had watched the episode, was completely unable to understand someone telling me Carter was on dialysis. It took the recap of the next week's episode to fill in the blanks!), or even worse, scenes from the next. NBC is always a culprit, making their shows start at ridiculous times such as 9:02 or 10:58, ruining my DVR lineups and forcing me to find later showings of first-run eps. Also, producers/writers are always saving the good and juicy stuff for the bitter closing seconds (take the discovery of Carter's dialysis as an example).
Well, that was quite the little rant. And so my love/hate relationship with the DVR continues. Have I mentioned I can set it from my phone now? Insanity. And pure love.
And as long as we're being random, a big blogger shoutout to SNAIL MAIL today! I came home to two lovely little packages, one from Lindsey with a fabulous (and helpful!) game/book, "How Well Do You Know Your Groom?". V. excited to get started on that one. And then, a card and LILLY PULITZER post-its from Emily! This was a huge one, because I have been drooling all over the Lilly stationary collection since I noticed it at Swoozie's about a week ago. So exciting. Love you both more than you even know.
Let's get those requests rolling!
Hibernation Supplies
2 months ago
yay! glad you liked them:) i hadn't seen these before (they had JUST hit the shelves here in cincy), and i thought they would be perfect for making pages as you flip through bridal mags on the beach.
speaking of - if linds is willing to have a 10lb carry-on bag, i have many magazines i can send with her to florida! good ones like martha and the knot...
i am willing to take the bride magazines to FL, but will have to bury them deep in my carry-on as I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression that i am engaged and ruin my chances of the airport random layover hook-up. woot woot!
also, love the all clarkson otg and also feel your dvr pain on the missing of crucial seconds of last minute plot details!
Carter I will be your nurse!!!!
Haha, yes please on the bridal mag transport! Is there also a way for my beloved raybans to make their way into that suitcase? :)
Ok - I'm going to start commenting now that I have demanded a blog topic... First let me say I read your blog from my blackberry all the time and you are witty as shit. Such a great writer and you should really think about a job in PR! Maybe I will be able to pass on some creative writing topics to you but seriously my clients would be delighted to have your skills on their blogs. Anyhoo, can't wait to see the post about the BL. Do you watch housewives of nyc because I'd be delighted to read your comments on that shit. Ok this is getting ridiculous but seriously you are a funny bitch.
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